Un Martes cualquiera, con el único pretexto de pasarlo bien, nos fuimos como otras tantas veces en busca de olas. Nos encontramos con un día estupendo. Sol, olas y amigos. Todo lo demás era innecesario. Ahí estuvimos Leo, Guille, Diego, Walter y yo. Solo una pequeña parte de la gran familia de Zorlak Surfboards que pululan por Galicia.
Video realizado por Desdelagua.tumblr.com
Hola Luis. Nos alegra mucho que te guste! Muchas gracias por tu comment!!
I thought it was interesting how Dennis Kucinich was completely ignored during most of the debate-Anderson continuously cut him off in the middle of his answers, even though other candidates (Obama, Clinton, Biden) got to talk for as long as they wanted. Obviously, anyone who isn't a "mainstream" candidate gets ignored.
Ieri stavo guardando Rai News, e come di consueto a un certo punto fanno vedere i titoli degli altri telegiornali: Tg1, TG5, La7.Titolo del Tg5 (a proposito del duplice omicidio di Milano):"Ricky è colpevole, ma qual'è il movente?"o_O
I’m ready to “shop” back again! JUST LOOK at what one can do…I’m particularly liking that metallic gold twig table and gold sphere. Albert and Hadley are golden, too!! :) franki
Miguel, corrige a tua frase final... a bola está sempre do lado deles, não é só agora (mas não é a bola redonda, é a bola da travessa da queimada):)
Three pix are not enough when it comes to someone as spectacular as Mr. Churchill. Love the powerful (but not musclebound) arms, meaty pecs, ripped abs and wide trail.
Olá, Stéfano.Obrigado pela participação.Já havia falado um pouco sobre a alimentação e arritmia e também apresentei informações sobre o álcool neste post: Dê uma olhada…Conforme o seu médico lhe falou, o consumo moderado de álcool não é prejudicial à saúde.Leonardo.
That's way the bestest answer so far!
[…] 2005  (37) September 2005  (36) August 2005  (51) July 2005  (13) Anny Chih has a blog entry about a cupcake eating contest at the Bakers Market in Vancouver, where she finished third. Ken […]
Norma is gorgeous in her unique headwrap and polka dot scarf. I love the resilience and beauty of the motto, 'I never have a bad hair day.' Truly inspiring and unforgettable!
Just to be clear :) my PSTD/ED-NOS has nothing to do with my kids TS/OCD/ADHD ...reading that and your wow ... I realized that it looks worse in the reading than the living. Mine comes from teen years/experiences. My kids is genetic ..managed with medications. My kids are also happy in their skins ..with the oldest proclaiming that he's 'normal in his abnormalities' and a plan to go onto become a doctor, with the grades and ACT/SAT scores to be able to do so.
You've really impressed me with that answer!
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